
No one changes the world alone. That’s why we work with reliable nonprofit partners who support us with know-how, experience, professional structures, drive and heart and soul. Because only together can we make a difference! 

ACCESS Development

ACCESS Development Services is an Indian organization that promotes sustainable livelihoods for the poor. It collaborates with various institutions in India, offering programs and technical support, and also uses policy – level influences to improve the livelihoods of over 410,000 households.

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Africa Amini Alama Deutschland e.V.

Plenty of idealism, tireless commitment and a big heart are what the Austrians Dr Christine Wallner and her daughter Dr Cornelia Wallner-Frisee bring to the “Africa Amini Alama” initiative. Founded by her mother in 2009, the association began with the construction of an infirmary for the local population. The association gradually extended its commitment from medical care to school and vocational training and social issues, and is financed by donations and sponsorships.

Logo Africa Amini Alama Deutschland


This non-profit organisation has been working since 2020 to contribute to the conservation of natural habitats on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast through protection, education and research. To this end, DEFAKOK works together with a team from the University of Akdeniz. DEKAFOK is an acronym composed of the Turkish names for sea turtle, Mediterranean seal and sand lily – all endangered species.
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ECLAT Development Foundation

Since its founding in 2008, ECLAT as a non-profit, non-governmental organisation has been committed to improving life in poor communities in Tanzania. Its focus is on the district of Simanjiro in the Manyara region of North-eastern Tanzania. More recently, ECLAT extended its sphere of activity to other parts of the country, in order to reach more people in need. Its activities range from supplying people with clean water to building educational institutions through to economically empowering women.

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Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)

This registered non-rofit, non-governmental organisation has become a leading and trusted player in conservation since its foundation in 1973. Its profile is steadily increasing. EWT is committed to the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems in Southern Africa and East Africa for the benefit of all – animals, people and nature alike.
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Hemas Outreach Foundation

The Foundation is committed to an inclusive world in which no child is left behind. Its support begins with the very young: Its aim is to provide first-class pre-school education to disadvantaged children throughout Sri Lanka. The preschools provide early childhood education and social skills that prepare children for everyday life and school.
Hemas Foundation Logo
Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Affiliated to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, one of Bulgaria’s leading scientific institutions, the Institute conducts intensive research in areas such as marine physics, biology and ecology. Both basic research and applied science
as well as the work of the experts aim at developing a sustainable strategy for the development and management of the Black Sea ecosystem – adapted to national requirements and global trends.

iThemba elitsha e.V.

The name iThemba elitsha originates from the South African Zulu language and means “new hope”. The association helps children and young people from the township Kleinmond at Cape Town with a comprehensive range of services so as to escape the vicious circle of poverty, and thus develop new pleasures, the opportunity for an education and thus a self-determined life and perspectives for the future within a safe environment.

iThemba elitsha Logo

KOTO Foundation

The KOTO Foundation, whose sphere of influence extends from Australia to Vietnam, cares for disadvantaged young people in Vietnam. KOTO’s philosophy is embodied in its name: KOTO stands for Know One, Teach One – knowledge should be passed on. It is there to be shared. This is the main idea of the Vietnam-Australian founder of KOTO, Jimmy Pham.

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Maldives Coral Institute (MCI)

The Maldives Coral Institute is a science-led body that aims to help coral reefs to survive and adapt to the changing climate. The organisation actively works for the survival of coral reefs, which are severely threatened by environmental impacts and climate change. The MCI researches and develops methods to strengthen the resilience of corals and mitigate adverse human impact and save our corals and reefs from irreversible loss and degradation.


Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF)

The largest non-governmental organisation in Mauritius deals exclusively with the protection and conservation of endangered plant and animal species on the main island and offshore islands. MWF works closely with local and international partners on practical conservation projects. The long-term goal: re-establish destroyed and threatened ecosystems such as native rainforests and save endangered animal and plant species from extinction.

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PAMS Foundation

Established in 2006, the Foundation consists of a team of 200 gamekeepers advocating the protection of wild animals in Tanzania. Their goal: protecting wild animals and nature in such a way that the local population participates and benefits at the same time.

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Pimali Association

Pimali has committed itself to combating the exploitation of disadvantaged young people and reducing poverty in Northeast Thailand. Pimali provides young people and orphaned children with practical training in the hospitality industry. The aim is to secure them a professional future in the hospitality or tourism industry.

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Reiner Meutsch Stiftung FLY & HELP

The main objective of the foundation established in 2009 is to promote education and training. With the help of donors, the foundation primarily builds new schools in developing countries. The new buildings will enable many thousands of children in Africa, Asia and Latin America to attend school and to lay the foundation for a self-determined future. To date, 550 projects have been initiated, funded and maintained around the world.


Smiling Gecko e.V.

In order to help children and families in need in Cambodia, Smiling Gecko pursues a holistic approach that facilitates and promotes self-determined living in rural regions.

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Established in 1974, the educational foundation and non-profit organisation affords educational opportunities and scholarships to young people regardless of their origin or skin colour. The organisation helps young people from poor backgrounds to gain an education at university and college, to acquire vocational skills and to take up employment by means of mentoring and personal support. A glimmer of hope for all those who want to develop their skills and break the cycle of poverty through education.

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Upendo – Verein zur Förderung von Entwicklungsprojekten in Afrika e.V.

The association promotes development cooperation at local level in Africa, and in Tanzania in particular. Project work is carried out in close cooperation and coordination with the government, which bears responsibility for the country and its people.


Water is Right Foundation (WIR)

The Water is Right Foundation advocates worldwide for the human right to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. Through innovative water treatment solutions in regions cut off from clean drinking water, the foundation ensures that water is treated and provided locally. Among other methods, this is achieved through the training of professionals in water management techniques.

Wildlife and Ocean Resource Conservation (WORC)

The non-profit organisation has been focusing on the preservation and restoration of ecosystems in Sri Lanka since 2010. Among other things, it supports the protection and restoration of mangrove forests in Koggala and the protection and restoration of coral reefs in Rumassala at community level. WORC also offers travel experiences in all these areas. All income from eco-tourism is used to finance ongoing protection and restoration work. 
